Senin, 26 September 2011

welcome Sifa :)

it's been a while since my last update.
it's not because I'm busy, it's about my laziness that hard to help :)

well, I'm in 'lil excited days lately, because the day i meet my beloved nephew in this week closer and closer

it's her first time taking trip to Java.
she and her family [her father is my eld-brad] come to Java in order to do
silaturahm with my father [may Allah gives all kindness to him]'s big family. meanwhile, my mom's family are Sumatera island. [we do ndonesian, LOL]

In order to guide her when arrived in Jakarta, now i'm lookin' for some good places to be visited.
I think it will be better if I find some green places. [considering how the climate days lately goes]

About my work, I've been talked to d manager that I'll take 1 or 2 days leave early next week.

hahaha thank you Sir :)

Welcome to Jakarta Sifa!