Selasa, 27 September 2011

and I'm not a terro..

that's just your own imagination.

why keeping such ridiculous mind and judge another with your own perspective.

actually I'd better not made a confession because it wont work and change the way you think I am. [what a fool]

and my apologize that make you have such wrong viewpoint

Senin, 26 September 2011

welcome Sifa :)

it's been a while since my last update.
it's not because I'm busy, it's about my laziness that hard to help :)

well, I'm in 'lil excited days lately, because the day i meet my beloved nephew in this week closer and closer

it's her first time taking trip to Java.
she and her family [her father is my eld-brad] come to Java in order to do
silaturahm with my father [may Allah gives all kindness to him]'s big family. meanwhile, my mom's family are Sumatera island. [we do ndonesian, LOL]

In order to guide her when arrived in Jakarta, now i'm lookin' for some good places to be visited.
I think it will be better if I find some green places. [considering how the climate days lately goes]

About my work, I've been talked to d manager that I'll take 1 or 2 days leave early next week.

hahaha thank you Sir :)

Welcome to Jakarta Sifa!

Minggu, 24 April 2011

prisoner of Hysteria

But i was happy back then :)

Dufan in memory

denohun :P

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

i'm so home sick

Ho Ho Ho ホームシック…
Faraway Faraway
時も 流れているから
I\'m So ホームシック
乗\り馴れた電車 名も知らぬ神社
通い詰めた飯屋に 飲み明かした居酒屋
激安のスーパー 遊んだゲームセンター
潰れない駄菓子屋 変わらない証さ
花火上げた公園 フラれてやめた禁煙
語り合った延々 君がくれた名言
信号の遅い交差点 寂れたあの喫茶店
古い漫画ばかりでも いつもここで待ち合わせ
手作りの弁当屋 なぜか一品多いんだ
おまけに丼勘定 おばちゃんいつもありがとな
お馴染みの道 お馴染みの位置
離れて気付けた 本当の価値
いつでも僕を 温かく待ち
再び確かめに 帰って来る街
ただいま お帰り を何度繰り返しても
生まれ育った 場所はやっぱいいね
街の景色 街の空気 街の雰囲気
ただいま お帰り を何度繰り返しても
生まれ育った 場所はやっぱいいね
大切な人達が 待ってくれてる街
Ho Ho Ho ホームシック…
Ho Ho Ho ホームシック…
聞き慣れた方言 電話越しの声になんか元気ないね
とめどなく溢れ出す 望郷の念
だいぶご無沙汰してた 本当にごめん
よっしゃ! 帰ろう 久々の実家
まるで時間が 巻き戻された様な気が
するぐらいに懐かしい オレの部屋
ありのまま あの頃のまま
背くらべでつけた 柱の傷跡
落書き残ってる 西日側の窓
そこから見える風景は 今も絶景
夕焼けに 包まれた眺め
変わらない場所 心許せる場所
安らぐ場所こそ 古里でしょ
帰る場所があるから 羽ばたける
だから明日から一歩また 踏み出せる
ただいま お帰り を何度繰り返しても
生まれ育った 場所はやっぱいいね
街の景色 街の空気 街の雰囲気
ただいま お帰り を何度繰り返しても
生まれ育った 場所はやっぱいいね
街の景色 街の空気 街の雰囲気
Faraway Faraway
時も 流れているから

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

when my time is no more here with me

nothing to say then, but buhbye...

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

atas nama

ah banyak sekali kebaikan dan peristiwa sederhana yang terlewatkan karena masyuk dalam kesibukan ini dan itu. seringkali diri ini lupa bahwa waktuku terus berkurang.

seringkali mengeluh ini dan itu,
menyalahkan si anu dan si itu, tanpa bercermin pada jiwa dan hati. tanpa memaksimalkan usaha dan kesanggupan, jauh benar diri ini dari sabar.

Ya Rabb, rengkuhllah hamba.

rengkuhlah jiwa yang kering ini agar selalu sadar akan tujuan diri semula engkau mencipta.

rengkuhlah duhai Dzat Yang Menggenggam tiap jiwa,
agar hati angkuh nan kerap dekat dengan riya serta kesombongan ini melembut dalam nama-Mu,
duhai Engkau sang 'Azza wa Jalla.

sungguh sesuatu tidak lepas dari pandanganMu.

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

in mood of ...

"Ichi ritoru no namida"

i dunno what was it like, but really-

it should been hard back then,
but you kept fight till the end, really till the end.


Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

titip rindu bagimu

Suasana sepi begini Panahan rindu menusuk hati Tak mungkin kau sedari

Lantas ku titip puisi kasih Agar gelora tidak merintih Sengsara pun menyisih
Dengarkanlah suara hati Moga dikau mampu mengerti Cinta hadir tanpa ku rasa simpati

Percayalah Kasihmu lama tersulam Di ruang paling dalam Terlalu jauh tak terselam

Ku akui
Dugaan datang jua pergi Rela ku menghadapi Dengan harapan suci Doa bersemi

Kasih Usah bak suria kau hadir Persis ombak memukul ke sisir Bimbang cinta terusir Kerna rindu pastikan lahir Airmata setia mengalir Berjanjilah ia tak mungkin kan berakhir Oh oh... Percayalah...

Kerna rindu pastikan lahir Airmata setia mengalir Berjanjilah ia tak mungkin kan berakhir
Percayalah Kasihmu lama tersulam Di ruang paling dalam Terlalu jauh tak terselam

Ku akui Dugaan datang jua pergi Rela ku menghadapi Dengan harapan suci Doa bersemi
Kasih Usah bak suria kau hadir Persis ombak memukul ke sisir Bimbang cinta terusir

Kerna rindu pastikan lahir Airmata setia mengalir Berjanjilah ia tak mungkin kan berakhir Percayalah…

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

on mode of

kodomo no koro (my childhood) -- a letter for siti

ahh read book called "A Painted House" grabs me back to my childhood.
rainbows; hide-and-seek; wide bright garden; big and high trees for climb and naked feet, and as for now, write it down. i remember a very lovely friend.

it's been very long-long time since i meet a friend of mine named Siti.
i even forgot when exactly last time I'd meet her.

Siti had very-very different fellowship compared to me. Almost in every single thing. If I choose to recall-back the past, I'll definitely found my self so naive, and my childhood was so blessed had her as one of my friend. thank God.

since I d moved and living in different province for my study, I almost had no contact to her. (how cruel, when my best friend got married i even could not come)

After her marriage, the husband moved all family to his own hometown in somewhere i dunno for sure.

in a hard count it's been six or seven year after the last time i met Siti, back then.

someday in the future i hope i'll meet her again. and I'm so sure the day will definitely come.

"Siti, thanks for all we shared together in the past, I miss u"


Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

urie sachin

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

last holiday.

its narziz time cheez!

NewYear holiday photos

whatever I've done in 2010 i wont regret it, and i'll face 2011 with full power hahhh.

Semangat ngger!


아자아자 화이팅
